When you join us on a Sunday morning you can expect to meet friendly, thoughtful, and creative people who are seeking to be a people growing into Christ’s likeness for the sake of our community and the world.
When you come in the front doors, you’ll be greeted and find our welcome table. Please take a new visitor’s card if it’s your first time joining us for worship. The greeters will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Just beyond the entrance are coffee and tea (and sometimes pastries) which we hope you’ll come early to enjoy! Across from the coffee room is the upstairs restroom. If you have children, they will hang with you in the sanctuary for the first couple of songs and a reading from Scripture. After that, children will be dismissed to The Springs downstairs. You’ll need to go downstairs with them to sign them in, and then go back down to sign them out after worship service.
We always read a portion of Scripture together near the beginning of the service and we hear Scripture read and taught during the sermon. We sing newer praise choruses and new takes on older hymns, and some of our worship team even writes songs for our congregation to sing.
On the first Sunday of the month and other special occasions, we receive Holy Communion. As part of this celebration, we confess our sins, confess the essentials of our faith (in the Apostles’ Creed), pray prayers of repentance and thanksgiving, and come forward to receive from the Lord’s Table. We practice open communion, which means that if you have faith in Jesus or want to have faith in Jesus, you are invited to meet with him at his table during these holy moments.
Our service concludes with a benediction, which sends us from our gathered expression of Christ’s body into the world which God loves and is saving, good work in which he invites us to join him.
We hope you will hang around after service to chat, make some connections, and learn more about who we are.